Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dude, Where's my bag!!!!?

Airlines worldwide apparently misplaced 30 million bags last year. Well, atleast I wasn't the only one who had lost his bag in an airport in the year 2005. I am not too sure if the magnitude of loss in anybody else's case can match upto mine though. All of 4 pairs of socks and 5 pairs of jocks (they happened to be my weekday collection).
It all happened when we were traveling to Bangkok last year. My first trip abroad, I was all happy when I learnt that they served booze on the flight. And after having downed a few cool cans of beer, with my friends passing me theirs as well, I was in a happy place. Then on my connecting flight from Colombo to Bangkok, I was upgraded to cloud number nine when they gave me whisky. So, little surprise it was, that when I got off I totally forgot that I had checked in not one but two bags. And as I walked off with my larger but inconsequential bag, all the time grinning stupidly at anybody and anything, I had no idea that my holiday was ruined before it began. Ruined you might say is a very strong word, but to understand what I mean, try early morning Tai Chi...........going commando and with an ugly hangover, following it up immediately with some waterskiing. By afternoon I was really tempted to check with the airlines if they had found my bag, but then decided against it. I would have been way too embarrassed about my socks.


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